The Jestivan is now on Audible!

The Jestivan is now on Audible!

I said March 29th. Someone else had other plans. Not sure why or how, but Amazon released The Jestivan on Audible a few days ago. The bad news is that this means the release isn’t aligned with the other platforms, which are still set for the original date. The...
I’m Back. Erafeen is back. We are back.

I’m Back. Erafeen is back. We are back.

There has been a lull in production on my part. What can I say? Life happens, and it can happen quickly and messily. At first, priorities needed to shift away from my writing for good reasons. Then, that became a shift in priorities because of undesirable...

An Excerpt From my Newest Series

All of you know me because of the Erafeen series, and you want updates on that. I’ll discuss that briefly: I’m nearly done with the sixth book’s first draft (234k words in). It will release at the end of 2020. This update is mostly about a new...

N.K. Jemisin is a Genius

Carrying on the tradition of The Fifth Season, Jemisin nailed the voice of this book. Her narrating style is so unique. Her skills really shine whenever she writes Nassun’s chapters. That uncertainty in the girl’s thoughts. The naivety in how she views...

The Sacrifice is here!

JestiFANs! It’s official. The Sacrifice is here and ready to be consumed. And I hope you have an empty stomach because this thing is huge. If you want to get straight to ordering it, then click one of the following links. Otherwise, scroll down further for...